Annie Jr.-CAST open to 4th-10th grade
Before registering for this production, please make sure that you can fully commit to all rehearsal times, tech. week and performances. It is not acceptable to miss ANY rehearsals or performances.
Auditions: Wednesday, February 22nd. You will receive a registration link once it is available as well as details for the audition process. Registration will guarantee your spot in the production. The audition will help determine the casting.
Rehearsals MWF: 4:30-6:30 pm
NO Rehearsals March 24th-April 7th (Spring Break and Holy Week at the church).
February 27
March 6th-22nd
April 10th-28th
May 1st-5th
Tech week: 4:30-8:30 May 8th-11th
Performances 1 weekend only: May12th, 13th (2), 14th
Welcome to Cast and Crew info page.
This is where you will find the most current info on things related to this production. Please check this page often as there will be updates during the rehearsal and performances for this production.
Join our parent Facebook page to connect with other parents, carpooling, networking etc..Also, please like CSCT's Facebook page and help promote the production through our FB events.
Annie Jr.-CREW
Before registering for this production, please make sure that you can fully commit to all rehearsal times, tech. week and performances. It is not acceptable to miss ANY rehearsals or performances.
The crew is the non-performing half of a show’s company and is responsible for running the backstage elements as well as the front of the house and box office. All crew positions are fully trained by CSCT Staff and do not require previous experience or training. Crew assignments are made by two weeks out from opening night and will typically start attending Friday rehearsals for training the 3-weeks prior to Tech Week/Opening.
In order to be eligible to crew a production, students must in grades 4th-10th. The crew may not miss any performances or technical rehearsals called for.
The crew will be required to attend all rehearsals and tech. week and performances listed below.
Crew is required to come to the first rehearsal on Monday, February 27th for the read through and then they will start coming on Fridays only, starting April 14th and will continue to attend every Friday until tech. week. CREW is requried to attend all of tech. week and all performances.
February 27th-First Rehearsal, Read through 4:30-6:30 pm
Friday training rehearsals for Tech. 4:30-6:30 pm
April 14th, 21st, 28th and May 5th
Tech. Week is May 8th, 9th, 10th and 11th from 4:30-8:30 pm-CREW MUST attend all of tech. rehearsals
Performances 1 weekend only: May 12th, 13th (2 performances) and 14th